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The Very End
S3 licensed
Ok shal we deside on 10th then? Need to get it sorted out with work and all that
The Very End
S3 licensed
Wait what?! Didn't I tell you last time that I was not interested in having a sexual rellationship with you? You still nagging about that? :grumpy:
The Very End
S3 licensed
It is very difficoult to get everything to fit, so might aswell just chose one.
Hopefully people can manage even if it means re-arranging some plans
The Very End
S3 licensed
Don't talk shit about my poor little Huyndai Atos

PS: I am going by plane aswell this year!
The Very End
S3 licensed
You volunteer?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Yes! Tor will provide visual demonstration of condom use.

Then proceed to get deep in a whale.

Lol you dick!

Well joke aside, nice to hear it sorts out!
Maybe you are too young yet, but well, if going for a date, don't go cinema. Girls hate to not be able to talk, so go on a cafe and buy a soda or / and some nice little snack (guess you do not drink cofee yet?). Just be yourself, having a discussion about anything. Just ask her a lot of question, answer hers and see if there is some chemistry.

And if everything else fails, **** it - give her rohypnol and enjoy your solo show to the early morning and run while you have the chance!
As we say in Norway "Tøm og røm"
The Very End
S3 licensed
The Very End
S3 licensed
The Very End
S3 licensed
Money sent, GBP

Lets ask the involved people and get the ball rolling fast, so I can order plane tickets as soon as we have a certain date.

So, with this is mind, am I banned from Darts this years or? (see attachment)
The Very End
S3 licensed
When Lerts return with rallypack on his crispy bicycle.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Please also add your paypal account name here, think it is the easiest way to transfer. Can of course also just do a manually account to account transfer if that is wished for.
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Your man-boobs almost fill her bikini.

Mine would have filled them!
The Very End
S3 licensed
And you think you have gotten more "sane" over the last years?
The Very End
S3 licensed
What the hell is this? You going full retard on me man?
The Very End
S3 licensed
If Scavier had the foundings and members of Polygon's team they would have invented a time machine allready
The Very End
S3 licensed
I disagree with your opinions Flymike, but I agree on your last post at same time. Sometimes we just have to agree that we disagrees, but as long as it is possible to actually have an discussion back are forth where the veiwpoints and presented and discussed civilized / sivilized (how is that word spellled?), it is a good discussion.
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
Or I swear I will take a picture of my hairy ass and send it to you in High Resollution on Snapchat.

Trust me, you don't want to see it - as much as I don't want to see Donald.
The Very End
S3 licensed
As sais it's no doubt that it is a problem, but blaming a whole group of people because of a few extremists is wrong. It's like saying that because of Hittler, every german citizens from WW2 and to current times are nazis. It's like saying because of one lunitict's act and he by some reasons belifs in God/Jesus, everyone beliving in the same is lunitics.

Yes, there are problems, huge problems, but blame the inviduals, not a group.
One of the things we need to work with is to change their veiws on humans and equality when they immigradeS. In Norway we struggle a lot with rapings atm, and over 90% are performed by not-western people. Statestics are taken from the police records from Oslo.
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
Haha what the flying ****?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Aiming at me Mike? Well to explain what I try to say: I do not approve or like the way the middle east and other "not western" countries lives and how they look on human lifes. However if you know your history you will notice a lot of similarities. With that in mind i points out that we are no better, just more developt in our veiw of humans and society. With pressure from the outside world I am sure that we can change their way of looking at things too, but it will not happend over night.

And as said before, extremist is everywhere but must never be veiwed as the mayority.
Also culture and religion is closely connected, so I am not sidetracking from the subject we are discussing.
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
Well if you look back into history of christianity you will see women were beeing punished too. And look on the dark ages, plundering, raping, murdering and worse were acted in the name of God. And why I write this? Because it shows that "us" western civilization acted like the ones you refer to not too long ago. The culture differences if you go back in time is not that big.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :The religion, or rather the philosophical views that form their basic tenants, isn't the problem.

The problem is the people who change it to support their views.

Both Christianity and Islam are based on the rule of being nice to each other.

This is actually a very good point. Religion usually starts off trying to be a nice guideline for people, but with time people change it to suit it better for their way of living. Usually this turns out rarher ugly.
The Very End
S3 licensed
We cannot judge a whole group of people based on a few extremists actions. Extremists excists in all groups, but should not be counted as the mayority.

About above, I agree it is disgusting, but keep in mind how bad our veiw on women was and theie rights just a few decades ago. Hopefully with help and pressure from the outside world we can change their point of veiw over time.
Edit: this is meant as a reply to Mike, not Dawe.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from ImudilaSkyline :But they need to deal with it, there will always be people who don't like their work. They just can't do the same every year with the same progress report. It's like betraying the loyal community, that has been here since the birth of the game, because of the haters... It's just not right.

I wholeheartly agree.